Friday 27 February 2015


Hello , 
             well its been a while since I posted but I have been keeping right up on news from all of my favourite blogs. Some lovely crochet bunting by Thesummerhouseby the sea blogg. Also my favourite ladybird diaries always gives some lovely eye candy for beautiful crochet makes. I am also now following a few new bloggs as well which when I find out successfully how to link I shall send you to look.
For my part for most of January I was virus laden and not the way to start the year but predictable really. I work with three different vulnerable groups of people so its not surprising when I pick up these viruses.

Now spring is on the way I am busy making some lovely bunting (crochet ) of course which now I have mastered the pattern is really easy and they are flying off the hook in a range of pastel hues from my stash. I havent any pictures as yet but I will show you some others . Happy weekend

blanket  made for my mum for christmas

neck warmer for mum as well.